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Data graphs
Residues on the graph can be clicked on which will also show the selection in the structure view. Zooming can be done via clicking and holding the mouse
at the start of the desired region and moving the mouse towards the end of the desired region. If the graph is zoomed in, it can be moved by holding Shift
and dragging with the left mouse button. All graphs are color coded according to the activity probability (red = low probability, blue = high probability of being active).
Deselecting residues can be done in the structure view or with this button located at the top of the Data tab.
Zooming out can be done via a double-click on the graph or via this button that appears at the top-left of the graph (if it is zoomed in).
This tab shows the models prediction for each possible split site. There are 4 categories given with 4 colors.
Generally speaking the model predicts split sites with a probability of at least 0.5 to be active and below 0.5 to be inactive. Sites with a probability of at least 0.6 have been shown to
contain the highest ratio of true positives to false positives at the dispense of loosing some true positive split sites. Sites with a probability of less than 0.4 have been shown to
contain the highest ratio of true negatives to false negatives.
This tab shows the logit function, which what the model's prediction is based on. The points are sorted by the lowest prediction to the highest (Meaning the splits are not in order like with the other tabs).
Binding affinity, conservation, surface accessibility and secondary structure
Those four properties are used to calculate the activity probability. The binding affinity gives the affinity between the two fragments towards each other.
The conservation and surface accessibility is given by the surrounding residues of the split site.
The sequence tab shows the sequence with the activity probability color codes,
residue id's and whether the residue belongs to a secondary structure region (marked with Sec).
The raw data can be downloaded in this tab as a zip file.
The zip contains the output from DSSP, hmmer, muscle and rate4site as well as the pdb file that was generated through pdb2pqr at a pH of 7.